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are you weird enough

I love how the Internet has taken the six degrees of separation and shrunk them to one or two clicks.  This morning I was ready my daily intake of Michael Hyatt’s blog and it featured a guest post by Jeremy Statton.  One more click and I’m at a blog I’ve never heard of but immediately enjoy.

One post, in particular, caught my attention: Is Your Story Weird Enough?  Here’s just a small piece:

Normal is Boring.  Fitting in makes sense, if you want to tell a boring story.

When you go to the movie theater, you aren’t hoping to watch something completely normal happen. When you open a book, you want anything but the usual day to day events to take place.

The world needs you to live an incredibly weird story.

We need for you to contribute through your own unique personality and set of gifts. We need you to inspire the rest of us find our own inner weird and to be brave enough to tell our crazy story.

Normal is average, and average is mediocre.

I would encourage you to read the entire post — it’s worth the five minutes or so it will take.