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discerning God’s will

Over the years I had a number of occasions where I had to discern what God was leading (or asking) me to do.  Here are a few ways to best understand what God’s will may be in your situation …

  1. What does God’s word say about my situation?  If God’s word is clear about a situation or decision, do what it says.  If not, read on.
  2. Have you faced a similar situation before? If so what did God reveal to you at that time?  (Hint: If you made a mistake don’t repeat it!)
  3. If the decision is difficult, seek godly counsel … Proverbs 11:14.
  4. Make the decision a matter of quiet and earnest prayer … James 1:5.
  5. Don’t ignore the common sense that God has given you.
  6. Take your time. Do not make hasty and impatient decisions.
  7. Anticipate that the passage of time will either open or close a door of opportunity.