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your ordinary face will do

Charles Spurgeon, a British pastor, was known as “the prince of preachers.”  It is estimated that by the time of his death in 1892 he had preached to over 10,000,000 people — and all of this before the arrival of television or the internet.  His influence lives on in his books and collections of sermons.

In talking about how Christians approached worship (and remember this was the 18th century), he once said:

“When you speak of Heaven, let your face light up, let it be irradiated with a heavenly gleam, let your eyes shine with reflected glory. But when you speak of Hell – well, then your ordinary face will do.”

What does your face look like when you sing of the majesty of God?  Do your eyes light up when you discuss something that God has done in your life?  Does your face shine when speaking of God’s faithfulness, his mercy, or his blessings?

There are enough times your ordinary face will do.  When talking about the goodness of God, turn the lights on!


Spurgeon on Praise – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

The Essential Works of Charles Spurgeon – Charles Haddon Spurgeon